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Thin uterine lining: fertility acupuncture & herbs can help

The lining of the uterus is essential to fertility. It is where the embryo implants at the start of a pregnancy.

What makes for a healthy uterine lining?

  • 8 – 12 mm thick at mid-cycle, as measured by ultrasound

  • Evenly distributed

  • Good blood flow

  • Promotes implantation

  • Supports a healthy pregnancy

Fertility challenges of thin uterine lining

  • Lower rates of Conception

  • Increased risk of miscarriage

  • Increased pregnancy complications

Causes for a thin uterine lining

  • uterine fibroids

  • nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of iron

  • poor blood flow to the uterus

  • low estrogens (women in 40’s)

  • poor health of endometrial tissue (recurrent miscarriages, the trauma of D&C or some surgical interventions)

  • long term use of birth control pills

How to Improve a thin uterine lining

Try acupuncture !

Acupuncture is effective at increasing the thickness of your uterine lining.

Acupuncture works by improving the blood flow into the uterine arteries, which in turn supports a healthy uterine lining.

Research has shown that improved blood flow to the uterine arteries is associated with better pregnancy outcomes.

Chinese herbs to increase endometrial lining

Traditional Chinese medicine believes the reason causing thin endometrial lining are

  • kidney deficiency (Kidney Qi, kidney Yin and kidney Jing)

  • blood deficiency

  • blood stasis.

TCM treatment principle is to tonify Kidney Qi, kidney Yin and kidney Jing, nourish blood, and activate blood circulation and anti-blood stasis.

What else helps to improve a thin uterine lining?

Your acupuncturist can advise you on different therapies that can help increase the thickness of your uterine lining:

  • Diet

  • Supplements

  • Keeping warm to improve blood flow

  • Regular, moderate exercise. Most of us have relatively sedentary lives these days, with desk jobs which keep us sitting for hours. During that time, blood flow slows and the reproductive organs are compressed. If you are trying to improve your uterine lining, moving your body is very important. When you raise your heart rate you multiply the number of times that fresh, oxygenated blood flows through your body.

Brisk walks, easy bike rides, gentle yoga classes or a half an hour on an elliptical machine at a moderate pace are all great ways to get your blood pumping.

Food to grow a healthy uterine lining

  • Substances that restrict blood flow: Caffeine and nicotine

You should quit smoking and cut back coffee to almost zero (read here why).

Certain seasonal allergy medications and cold remedies which are designed to stop nasal swelling can also constrict your veins.

Check with your doctor about which over the counter remedies you should avoid at this time.

  • Foods that improve lining

-Meat: 1 -3 servings daily of meat that is ideally organic and hormone-free. Red meat, both beef and lamb, is best for building a uterine lining

-Healthy fats: olive oil, raw nuts, avocado

-Dark leafy greens are a great natural source of iron

Supplements to grow a healthy uterine lining

  • Iron

  • Digestive enzymes to break down iron, 1 – 2 capsules with iron

  • Fish oil, aka Omega 3 essential fatty acids, 2000 mg daily

  • Vitamin E, 800 iu daily

  • L-Arginine, 6 grams daily

  • Turmeric, aka Curcumin, 2000 mg daily, STOP when pregnant

Keeping warm improves blood flow and a healthy uterine lining

See our article Warm the womb

  • Consume warm food and beverages

- Drink warm beverages such as ginger tea or hot water with lemon

- Eat warm foods – soups and stews

- Keep cold and raw foods to a minimum

- Avoid iced beverages

  • Keep your feet, abdomen and buttocks warm

- Wear warm socks and shoes, have cozy slippers at home

- Take warm foot baths

- Use a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen anytime there is pain, or you feel cold

No matter where you are in your

woman's health, fertility, pregnancy & mothering journey,

if you need support, we can help.

In addition to our own team of fertility & women's health acupuncturists, we are well-connected within the Los Angeles- Pasadena area community to help you find the right integrative and holistic care for you.

On our website, you can learn more about our services, and book an appointment.

If you have more questions please call our front desk, at 626-841-2991, or email us.

About us:

Taproot acupuncture & herbs is a fertility, IVF & women's health acupuncture and massage clinic. We believe in attentive care and excellent treatment by highly trained and experienced acupuncturists.


Learn more about our team

For each visit

  • Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing

  • Have eaten a little (do not come hungry)

  • Always arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment  

Find us

90 North Baldwin ave, suite 3

Sierra Madre, CA 91024

(626) 841-2991


We serve the greater Los Angeles area and the communities of Pasadena, Monrovia, Arcadia, San Marino, Temple City, Duarte, Altadena and more.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

* Medical Disclaimer: All information on this website is intended for instruction and informational purposes only. The authors are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Significant injury risk is possible if you do not follow due diligence and seek suitable professional advice about your injury. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied on this website


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