taproot acupuncture & herbs
Pain Management, Fertility & Women's health
90 North Baldwin ave, suite 3, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. (626) 841-2991
3 Chinese medicine inspired drinks for the summer
But first, no Coffee! Why caffeine is fertility's enemy for men and women trying to conceive
7 essential nutrients for eye health & better vision
Managing night sweats & hot flashes during menopause with acupuncture and Chinese medicine
I've got a stye in my eye! Chinese medicine to the rescue
Turn, baby turn! Turning a breech baby with acupuncture & moxibustion
5 autoimmune conditions that can affect your eyes and your vision
Benefits of acupuncture for IVF patients
June is men's health month: let's talk male fertility!
Acupuncture for labor and birth preparation
4 black-colored ingredients for kidney and adrenal health in the winter.
5 tips for managing holiday season over indulgence with Chinese medicine
Alex's success story with acupuncture for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals : winter self-care tips according to Chinese medicine
Dry eyes : what acupuncture & Chinese medicine can do
7 Health Benefits of Silver Ear Mushroom (Tremella)
Getting help from Chinese medicine after pregnancy loss
5 white-colored ingredients for lung health in the fall according to Chinese medicine
6 Customs for a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !
The dark side of blue light exposure.