taproot acupuncture & herbs
Pain Management, Fertility & Women's health
90 North Baldwin ave, suite 3, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. (626) 841-2991
Slowing down Macular Degeneration naturally with Chinese medicine & acupuncture
Fertility, pregnancy & endocrine disruptors: how to clear your life of BPA plastic
Ocular electrical therapies in the acupuncture clinic
Seed cycling for fertility: Chinese medicine's perspective
Light on Thyroid Eye Disease
Acupuncture for TMJ disorders: unclench your jaw !
The link between celiac disease & fertility
The 7 emotions & your sight: what if vision loss had an emotional component?
Love your boobs! 6 tips for breast cancer prevention
At home eye care: using herbal tea bags compresses for the eyes
Which tea for which season? A quick guide
Blood pressure & your eye-health: acupuncture can help
Addressing vaginal dryness naturally
Vision problems post-stroke: how eye exercises & acupuncture can help you recover
Cervical mucus, fertility & acupuncture
3 eye exercises to reduce computer eye-strain
8 Chinese herbs for menstrual cramps
7 tips to get rid of dark eye circles, & what Chinese medicine says about them
Understanding the colors of your flow
Light on Photophobia: sensitivity to light & Chinese medicine