taproot acupuncture & herbs
Pain Management, Fertility & Women's health
90 North Baldwin ave, suite 3, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. (626) 841-2991
Is an IUI right for me, or should I stick to fertility acupuncture?
Conceiving with diminished ovarian reserve, or low AMH? It's all about egg quality!
Functional Medicine & Fertility
5 surprising Chinese Spring Greens
Bye bye PMS bloat !
Spring into Health with Chinese Medicine
Why you need a lymphatic drainage massage
Fertility acupuncture: Estela's PCOS infertility success story
Surrogacy journeys should include fertility acupuncture: here's why
Taproot Fertility Acupuncture success story: Blanca's IUI
Pain down there? Acupuncture for vulvodynia
Life after the pill: using acupuncture & Chinese medicine to get your cycles in order
Diet tips for endometriosis
Thin uterine lining: fertility acupuncture & herbs can help
"50-year old shoulder": acupuncture offers relief for menopausal frozen shoulder
Winter blues: acupuncture for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Stress & your period: what acupuncture can do
Women's health acupuncture: what we can do for each stage of a woman's life
Best foods & supplements for egg quality
Our favorite essential oils for Winter